Our Team

NeuroBehavioral Concepts » Our Team

Lonny Webb, MSW, LCSW
Neurobehavioral Therapist

Lonny has over 20 years of experience and training in working with individuals, families and teams. He works individually with people in all age ranges and diagnoses. Lonny uses Applied Behavior Analysis, Neuroanatomical and Neurochemistry, Narrative Therapy, Directive Family Therapy among other therapeutic modalities. Lonny also consults with organizations and schools.

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Kristine Webb, BA
Program Manager & Therapist

Kristine has over a decade of experience in consultation, training and program management. Kristine uses Applied Behavior analysis, Family Systems Therapy among other forms of therapy. Kristine enjoys helping parents and families apply effective strategies in the home.

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Nicole Agnew, BS
Psychosocial Skills Trainer

Nicole has about 5 years of experience in working with individuals with various types of disabilities. She has a fun, upbeat style that really engages young people.

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